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ASGARD: Arctic Shelf Growth, Advection, Respiration, and Deposition Project


The ASGARD project is part of the North Pacific Research Board's (NPRB) Arctic Integrated Ecosystem Research Project (Arctic IERP).  The overall goal of the ASGARD project is to assess the transfer and fate of organic carbon in the northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas to better understand what regulates variation in carbon transfer pathways and how a changing environment might alter these pathways as well as the structure and function of the pelagic and benthic ecosystems. My Ph.D. research is funded through ASGARD.

Respiration rates of individual macrofauna


As part of the ASGARD project, I am measuring respiration rates of individual macrofauna collected from the northern Bering and southern Chukchi Sea benthos.  I am using innovative technology to measure changes in oxygen concentration in closed respirametry chambers with non-invasive oxygen optodes known as sensor spots (PreSens Precision Sensing, GmbH, Germany).  We are also measuring respiration of whole sediment communities, known as sediment community oxygen consumption (SCOC). Respiration rates are used to estimate carbon uptake of the benthos to assess carbon pathways in the marine environment. 

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